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September 13, 2013

NoPa Condo Worth the Compromise


With the average 2BR condo in NoPa at just under $900,000, buyers in price ranges lower than that are considering making compromises in order to attain this location—which leads them to the possibility of a 1BR.

Some really cool 1BR condos hit the market this week listed in the high $600,000s, but my favorite is 1960 Hayes #11. Where have you seen an exclusive-use deck this big (above) for a condo recently?

#11 is not big (approx 700 sq feet). But the deck definitely makes up for the lack of interior space. Plus, you’re on the top floor of a 13-unit building in a great NoPa location, and have two-car parking. The last sale in the building took place earlier this year in March; that was #9, a 1BR/2BA with two-car parking, a much smaller patio, and slightly more square feet. That sold for $700,000.

I think #11 will sell for a lot more than its $679,000 list price, but its amenities may find some buyers trading off that second bedroom for a second parking space and a killer patio.

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